
A common ambition

to be the best in what we are doing.

Just at the beginning of our anniversary year, we signed a sponsoring contract in order to support an athlete in Swiss traditional sports “Schwingen”: We are happy to support Kilian von Weissenfluh (born in 1996) and wish him a successful sports season.

We decided to sponsor an athlete of this sport, because the philosophy of “Schwingen” is quite similar common to our company culture: tradition, down-to-earth spirit and continuity. Transporting these values makes us proud and with this new partnership, we do not only represent these principles, but also boost a promising talent.

We keep you informed about Kilian’s competition results and we will share his joy when he succeeds in his performance.

Results 2024

June 16th Nordwestschweizerisches Schwingfest Lausen (score 7a)
May 25th Oberländisches Schwingfest Brienz (score 8h)
May 20th Klubschwinget Schwingklub Interlaken Matten 2024 (score 1b)
May 12th Mittelländisches Schwingfest Riggisberg (score 4a)
April 27th Abendschwinget Frutigen (score 2)

Results 2023

August 27th Unspunnen-Schwinget Interlaken (score 7a)
July 30th Brünigschwinget, Brünigpass (score 6b)
July 9th Berner Oberländisches Schwingfest Frutigen (score 5a)
June 25th Bernisch-Kantonales Schwingfest Tramelan (score 6a)

Results 2022

We congratulate Kilian on his win at the Oberaargau Schwingfest on June 4, 2022 in St. Urban.

July 31th Brünigschwinget, Brünigpass (score 8e)
July 23th Weissenstein-Schwinget (score 3a)
July 17th Bernisch-Kantonales Schwingfest Thun (score 4b)
July 10th Oberländisches Schwingfest Oey Diemtigen (score 4a)
June 26th Schwingfest Visp (score 2a)
June 19th Bergschwinget Schwarzsee (score 7)
June 6th Klubschwinget Schwingklub Interlaken (score 1)
June 4th Oberaargauisches Schwingfest St. Urban (score 1)
May 26th Emmentalisches Schwingfest Hasle-Rüegsau (score 4)
May 15th Seeländisches Schwingfest Oberwil b. Büren (score 1b)
May 8th Ob- und Nidwaldner Kantonalschwingfest (score 5b)
April 16th Ballenbergschwinget (score 6a)
March 27th Jahresschwinget Thun (score 1a)

Results 2021

On June 26th, Kilian started the new season successfully at the “Stoos-Schwinget” and on July 4th in Ibach. We wish him good luck and a successful season.

This season, Kilian has already won 10 crowns:

26. June             Stoos-Schwinget, Stoos (score 3a)
04. July              Innerschweizer Schwing- und Älplerfest, Ibach (score 6a)
11. July              Oberländisches Schwingfest, Brünig (score 3a)
18. July              Mittelländisches Schwingfest, Zollikofen (score 3a)
25. July              Brünigschwinget, Brünigpass (score 5a)
08. August         Berner Kantonalschwingfest Aarberg (score 3c)
15. August         Schwägalp Schwinget, Urnäsch (score 4b)
22. August         Emmentalische Schwinget (score 1)
12.September   Schwingfest der Berner Jura (score 5a)
25. September         Kilchberger Schwinget (score 5b)

Results 2020

All competitions had been cancelled due to Corona.

Results 2019

On March 24th, Kilian started successfully with the new season in Thun. We wish him many success for the upcoming competitions.

On April 28th, during the regional competition “Toggenburger Verbandsschwingfest in Ebnat-Kappel”, Kilian achieved the 3rd place – congratulations! We are looking forward to the upcoming events.

On May 5th, Kilian achieved the first place at anniversary competition in Reichenbach. We congratulate him on this extraordinary result!

This season, Kilian has won 10 crowns, which is a extraordinary result!

May 12th                Emmentalisches Schwingfest in Zäziwil (score: 4a)
May 26th                Seeländisches Schwingfest Lyss (scoree: 7c)
June 8th                 Oberaargauisches Schwingfest Grafenried (score: 3d)
June 23rd               Schwarzsee-Schwinget (score: 5a) 
July 7th                   Innerschweizer Schwingfest Flüelen (score: 7a)  
July 14th                 Oberländisches Schwingfest Interlaken (score: 6a)
July 20th                 Weissenstein-Schwinget near Solothurn (score: 6b)
July 28th                 Brünig-Schwinget (score: 7a)
August 11th             Bernese Cantonal competition, Münsingen (score: 6a)
August 24th/25th    Swiss National Wrestling competition, Zug (score: 5a)

Results 2018

April 15th Ballenberg-Schwinget Brienz: congratulations to Kilian on his successful start of the season.
with Interview:

May 6th Mittelländisches Schwingfest Habstetten: congratulations to Kilian on his top score in this competition, where he took the fourth place (182 athletes). 

May 10th Baselstädtischer Schwingertag Basel: congratulations to Kilian on his top score in this competition (132 athletes and 2’300 spectators).

May 13th Emmentalisches Schwingfest Zollbrück: congratulations to Kilian on his top score, (184 athletes and 5’800 spectators) great job Kilian!

May 19th Oberlaargauisches Schwingfest Schwarzenbach: 4th top scope (174 participating athletes and 5’000 spectators) in this month. Congratulations Kilian – keep going on!

May 27th Oberländisches Schwingfest Lenk: 5th place and 5th top score in May with 200 participating athletes and 5’500 spectators. Frigo-Consulting congratulates and is looking forward to further achievements!

July 29th Bergfest Brünig-Schwinget: Kilian achieved a strong position in the middlefield on 14th place and faught beside national celebrities such as Stucki Christian, Wenger Kilian or Käser Remo. Keep going on, Kilian!

August 4th Schwing- und Älplerfest Engstlenalp: Kilian finished this competition on a solid 9th place (9e), congratulations and keep up the good work!

August 19th Bergfest Schwägalp Schwinget: Kilian achieved 13th place (13b) at this important competition, where over 15’000 spectators participated and 90 athletes confronted each other.

September 2nd Rellerlialp-Schwinget Schönried: Kilian wins his first regional competition of the season – congratulations!

October 2018: Kilian has successfully finished competition season and is taking a well-earned break. We already wish him all the best for the next season in 2019.
Winner of “Klubschwinget Schwingklub Interlaken Matten 2024”
Winner of “Emmentalisches Schwingfest 2021”
Photo: Peter von Weissenfluh
Bernese cantonal festival of swiss traditional sports “schwingen” in Aarberg 2021
Zwei Männer heben einen Mann auf der Schulter
«Jubiläumsschwinget» in Reichenbach 2019